2025 Periodic Update Workshop Series: Climate
Commerce is partnering with the Thurston Regional Planning Council and the Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC) to bring you workshops that support jurisdictions with periodic updates due in 2025, as required under RCW 36.70A.130. This will be the first of two climate-focused workshops in the 2025 series.
The second climate workshop will be held in October and registration will be opening soon.
This Workshop Will Cover:
- Commerce’s climate program overview
- House Bill 1181 (climate change)
- Greenhouse gas reduction requirements and applicability
- Integration into your comprehensive plan
- Examples from Snohomish County
- Tools and resources
Session Materials & Registration: Each workshop in the series will feature a different periodic update topic in-depth. Stay tuned to the periodic update webpage for more information, previous session materials and registration.
Questions? Contact Suzanne Austin at Suzanne.Austin@commerce.wa.gov.
This year’s workshop series focuses on those jurisdictions due in 2025, but all jurisdictions are welcome to attend! Future workshop series’ will be held for 2026 and 2027 jurisdictions.
Target Audience: The primary audience for this series are the planners, consultants and staff most involved with comprehensive planning. However, elected officials, planning commissioners and others with a role in the planning process are also welcome to attend.